5 Packing Tips to Sell Your Home in a Month
We are in some unique times. Homes are flying off the shelves, at the same time remote work has offered the flexibility to move wherever you’d like. While so many are taking full advantage of this situation, getting down and dirty to move quickly is another story.
The Team at Life Simply Organized has facilitated numerous moves this past year. Here are their 5 Tips to keep you organized, while packing quickly.
Nothing’s worse than when you’re in your packing flow, and can’t find the tape, or scissors, or run out of boxes. Here’s what you should have in your packing area:
Packing tape – after use, fold the end of the tape on itself for easy use next time
Packing Paper – skip the bubble wrap, delicates should be wrapped in packing paper
Sharpies – Labeling your boxes as clearly as possible makes for a very easy life. Label on the top if it is FRAGILE and list the contents on two sides of each box.
Box Cutter
Boxes – this may be the only case where smaller is better. Moving is a lot, and cramming the most into larger boxes is NOT the best idea. The boxes become heavy and difficult to hold. Only use larger boxes for lighter items like bedding, and stuffed animals.
Editing, or de-cluttering, your belongings is necessary for any move, but recently it’s become a huge MUST. With homes selling quicker than normal, matched with low inventory, many Seller’s are stuck in limbo, renting a place while looking for a new buy. This usually means storage fees and multiple moving expenses. The best way to cut down on those expenses, and the time it takes to move everything, is to simply have less.
How To:
Pick one room a day
Start in one corner and work around the room until you’re done
Have a bag for Donations and Trash, and a box for packing
Pick up every item and ask these questions,
Is this Donatable? Put in the bag.
Is this Trash? Throw it away.
Can I sell it? Snap some pics and immediately put it on FB Marketplace, Craigslist or send out to your friends.
Do I need this the next few months? If this item is a daily used item, and you need it to survive the next few months, leave it out.
Can I pack and store for a while? If you don’t need this item to survive, but you want to keep it, put it in the box to pack up. Once in the box, use a sharpie to write on the outside, the items you placed inside.
If you think you’ll have a lot of donations, including furniture, call for a Donation pickup before you even start packing. With so many people doing what you’re doing, Donation Centers have been extremely busy and usually have long wait times for pickups.
Food is one of those dreaded moving items. In our experience, you most likely have enough food to survive the next month or so. So, EAT WHAT YOU HAVE. Get rid of expired items, and take stock of what is left. Plan you meals around those items. When moving day comes, you’ll be glad all those soup cans and frozen chicken strips were used up. If you have good food you just can’t move, consider donating or posting for free.
Saran Wrap – unscrew anything liquid, place a piece of Saran Wrap over the top, and then screw back on… no more spilled conditioner or syrup!
Twist Ties – Save all those bread ties and use to wrap up cords, etc.
Cut out hand holds on your boxes before you fill them
Write on the box EVERY content
Use socks, washcloths, towels or bedding to wrap those delicates
Pack books in suitcases so you can roll them out
Use foam plates between your glass plates
Wrap up large mirrors or paintings in blankets
Put 2 fitted sheets on your mattress, one on the top and one on the bottom
If you still need help packing your home quickly, the Team at Life Simply Organized can meet with you virtually, for a more customized plan. If you’re in the Raleigh area, give them a call, their Team can even do it all for you!
5 Packing Tips to Sell Your Home in a Month
Lori Webb - Monday, March 29, 2021